A classic of 90s sex positive feminist video art.
This video is a humorous, absurd, heartfelt and worshipful look at SEX. Guided through this unique adventure by sexpert extraordinaire Annie Sprinkle and the 'Transformation Facilitators', you will explore the ancient and forbidden knowledge about female sexuality. This fresh and inspiring video features many exotic ways to stimulate sexual and sensual pleasure. You will encounter flagellation with oak leaves, Chinese sword dancing, striptease, body contortions, tattooing, piercing, shaving and gender play. The mysteries of sex magic and female ejaculation will be revealed. You will learn about the Tantric breathing, primal screaming, the joys of group masturbation while meditating, and not least of all you will witness a profound five minute long orgasm!
Here's a review by Johanna Drucker.
https://filejoker.net/a0pj7b7i9vn1/Maria Beatty, Annie Sprinkle - Sluts and Godesses (1992).mkv