Synopsis: Check into your wildest dream... The beckoning glare of the neon sign lures lovely newlywed Nancy into the twenty-dollar-a-night freak show called Squalor Motel. Kim Christy hosts every kink and twist you ever dreamed of, and many you haven't. Meet Manny, the obnoxious owner of the motel, a worm in pig's clothing who spies on all the rooms. Meet the lascivious and hard-working Miss Clark, a buxom tease whose main interest is helping the customers dirty their sheets. And meet Dr. Thumbs, the avant garde doctor who'll recharge your batteries. By the time our newlyweds are reunited, poor Nancy has suffered every humiliation and perversion the motel can offer, culminating in an orgy in the sex/rock club. The Reptile Room. Don't miss it!
Review: The plot is, of course, sexual; however, while it is somewhat cheesy at times, the creativity using a mixture of unusual scenarios and moments of humor very quickly pull you in. The scenes in this movie don't get monontonous or dull. There's a different situation and position in every scene. This movie doesn't jump around so much that you feel you are just seeing 'clips'. Instead, Kim Christy seemed to know just how long to focus on one scene and just the right time to shift the viewers attention to avoid boredom and the need to Fastforward through scenes. With each new scene, there are different settings , there are vastly different characters , new positions , and even some funny moments that you may never get out of your head completely.