A stud gets picked up by interracial gal pals on their way to a weekend retreat. They take turns amid quick edits and lots of polarized effects. An episodic road film that’s rather ambiguous as to what it’s really about – which was hardly unusual for offbeat features of the time. The film pays homage to the work of avant-garde director Kenneth Anger and AN OCCURRENCE AT OWL CREEK BRIDGE but, don’t be fooled, it’s still a porno. The Last Bath is definitely a step up as far a visual stylings, direction and acting compared to Ramage, but still holds on to the previous films what-the-hell-is-going-on sensibilities.
A young photographer is struggling with separating his dreams and fantasies from reality. After dreaming of a sweet underground parking garage encounter with 2 girls, a nice BJ fantasy in the photographer's boathouse, and a sexy memory of a past photo shoot, he meets up with a pair of foxy nurses and heads out to a secluded cabin with them for the weekend.
As the weekend progresses and steamy times are had by all (mostly in the cabin's bathtub, giving relevancy to the film's title), jealousies, anger, and possibly witchcraft spoil the retreat and shit ends badly for one of the lovers.
Although also running long at 70 minutes, The Last Bath is actually a pretty well-made film. There's above average camera work, an intriguing story, and inventive sound and visuals. The film is consistently damaged, with streaks of white or black at every frame, but unfortunately, this is the only known print in existence.
no pass