Wakefield Poole - Bijou (1972)



Synopsis/Background wrote:
Acclaimed director Wakefield Poole’s second feature, the surreal and trippy Bijou 1972 , set a new standard for explicit cinema when it opened in 1972.

The film concerns a construction worker (Bill Harrison) who witnesses a car accident and pockets the female victim’s purse in which he discovers her invitation to a club named Bijou. There he enters a strange erotic world where dark fantasies becomes reality. A fever dream blending the erotic and the divine in equal parts, Bijou is a psychosexual puzzle that rewards multiple viewings.

Scanned at 2K from the original 16mm elements and fully restored, this new version of Bijou finally allows the film to be seen in all its original visual splendor.

A straight construction worker witnesses a woman being hit by a car in New York City. On a whim, he steals her purse and finds an invitation to a strange club named Bijou. When he sets off to find the club, Harrison plunges into a world of erotic fantasy fulfilment.

It’s no secret that Vinegar Syndrome has quickly become the gold standard in next generation releases of vintage hardcore films that nobody else would touch with a ten inch dildo. Over the past several months, they’ve brought new life to the works of Bob Chinn, Walt Davis, Roberta Findlay and others, bringing the smut of our forefathers to a new generation of flesh-crazed fiends.

But one thing all of the previous Vinegar Syndrome releases have had in common is the rather standard gender relations component – they’re all films intended for a solely heterosexual audience, save for the Walt Davis films, which were clearly just meant for an insane one. The sex depicted in them is virtually all guy/girl with some girl/girl stuff thrown in for good measure. Lacking in their catalog are any releases geared towards all-male eyes, an audience that grew quite large during the golden age of porn and one with several classics that rank among the best of the era’s hardcore cinema.

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